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Minutes-November 2017

Community Council Minutes

November 8, 2017


Attendees: Johanna Thorson, Cathy Wall, Mike Fazzio

Absent: Erin Holley, Chris Whetton, Scott Slater



This year’s budget was reviewed by Mr. Fazzio.  The current year plan was then looked at and discussed.  

Goal #1: STEM Goal is for students to have a 75% increase in knowledge from BOY to EOY.

Teachers from each grade level are being trained on the PLTW program.

Goal #2: Reading Goal is that 48.7% of students to reach proficient.  Last year West Weber was the second highest achieving school in the district.
Goal #3: ART goal is progressing well.  Good feedback so far from students. BOY assessment to be done for baseline data


Discussed items for upcoming meetings.  We will need to fill a vacancy for Erin Holley this next year.  We will also start looking at next year’s plan/goals.


Motion to adjourn: Cathy Wall

Second: Johanna Thorson