Minutes-March 2018
Community Council Minutes
March 14, 2018 (UNOFFICIAL MEETING due to member attendance)
Attendance: Erin Holley, Michael Fazzio, Cathy Wall
Absent: JohannaThorson, Chris Whetton, Scott Slater
Change in reading goal coming down from the state in 1st-3rd grades. New goal will be 60%, up from 48% for improvement.
Expenditures, change in numbers. Amount alotted stayed the same, but money was readjusted between them.
Action Steps of plan needed to be adjusted after submitting to district, will have $ amount tied to it, easier to read, other than that our plan was accepted.
Adjustments will be made and sent out to committee members to approve and vote on.
Motion to adjourn: Erin
2nd Cathy