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Coming Soon

You can make your Joomla! website unavailable to visitors until selected date. To enable this option login to Administrator back-end. 1. Click the Extensions → Template Manager → JM-Template-Name → Basic Settings menu item 2. Find field Coming Soon and click Enable button. 3. Next set date in filed Coming Soon Date. Click the Save button to implement the new settings. Title and description you can change in Extensions → Module Manager. Find module Our site is coming soon on position coming-soon. You can also publish different type of module if you like. Coming Soon page can...

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Offline Page

  There is a possibility to disable access to the front of your site. How to enable the offline page? Step 1: Go to "System -> Global Configuration -> Site".Step 2: Click on "Yes" for "Site Offline" option. Step 3: Fill in a text for "Offline Message" to give your visitors some explanation about why your website is unavailable. Step 4: Click on "Save" to save your settings. How to customize the offline page? You need to edit the following file: /templates/jm-template-name/offline.php

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Error 404

  404 OOPS! Page not found! "Sorry, it appears the page you were looking for does not exist anymore or might have been moved.Please try your luck again." Take me home   This is Joomla! Article, You can change text and titile in Article Manager, click the Content → Article Manager menu item and find article Error 404. If you want select other article you can change article ID in /templates/template-name/error.php

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Ut lectus felis, facilisis nec erat at, pretium pellentesque lectus. Donec sit amet nibh est. Morbi augue libero, pretium vitae nulla ac, malesuada ultricies neque. Donec eget neque erat. Nam dictum justo sit amet placerat consectetur. Maecenas laoreet, ligula vel scelerisque ultricies, lorem urna luctus odio, eget convallis urna erat quis justo. Morbi vel placerat nisl, ut tempor odio. Sed lacinia purus sit amet lorem dictum tincidunt. Nunc placerat egestas vehicula. Fusce eu risus sit amet metus sagittis volutpat vehicula porttitor elit. Sed fringilla purus sed mi scelerisque scelerisque....

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